Compotite revolutionized the shower waterproofing industry in 1938 with the original shower pan membrane. We now offer several high-quality waterproofing solutions for showers and under thin-set tile installations. Compotite offers a full line of crack isolation solutions to protect thin-set tile installations from damage arising from typical substrate shrinkage cracks and other horizontal in- plane cracks.
Compotite offers high quality solutions to control sound transmission in thin-set tile installations.
Compotite offers high quality solutions to control sound transmission in thin-set tile installations.
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Compotite Shower Pan was founded in Los Angeles in 1938 to manufacture and market "Compotite", a patented material developed by G.A. Morthland as a waterproofing substitute for lead shower pans in homes. Compotite's products are made in America. In 1958, the company was incorporated and soon Compotite was included in all model plumbing codes and sold nationwide to waterproof shower floors under a thick-bed mortar setting of ceramic tile or marble.COMPOSEAL Blue Vinyl Shower Pan was introduced in 1979.
ANSI A118.12 - 1993: American National Standard for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin-set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installations (copies available from Compotite Corp.) Learn how to properly install our products by accessing the Installation Instructions Library. We make it easy for you; simply download the installation as a PDF. or order your installation instructions video training.

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