Customer satisfaction is the key to our success, our longevity and our long-term customer relationships. Give us your sizes and specification and we will be happy to quote you a firm price per piece, delivered to your door, each piece of guaranteed quality.
Challinor Wood Products' founder, Peter Challinor, was a well-known figure in the hardwood industry for over forty years. With a background in engineering and wood technology, Peter was an early proponent of supplying cut to size components (dimension) to manufacturers of cabinetry and fine furniture.
CWP developed its reputation by supplying high-quality North American hardwoods produced to each customer's exact quality specification. We work in most northern and Appalachian hardwoods: red oak, white oak, hard maple, soft maple, cherry, poplar, birch, ash, basswood, aspen, hickory and walnut, supplying discriminating customers both in the U.S. and abroad.
In the late 1990's some domestic customers challenged us to find a less expensive substitute for American maple, that would be a similarly light-colored hardwood that would suit the growing trend for lighter finishes, that is in plentiful supply, has excellent machining properties and that is harvested in a sustainable manner.
The advantages of buying cut to size parts ("dimension" or "components") are widely recognized. A component mill, situated close to the forest, can obtain a better utilization of the log/lumber than can any single customer. This is because the mill can produce parts for several customers at one time, combining the varying sizes and quality requirements to obtain the optimal yield from the raw material.

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