Beverly Pacific Company is a manufacturer of engineered fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) air pollution control equipment supplied to industry worldwide. Products include air scrubbers, corrosive gas conveying duct, exhaust fans and custom fittings. Components are manufactured from premium resins providing excellent acid and caustic protection. Each part is carefully manufactured to exceed industry standards or customer product specifications. Standard scrubbers are available in capacities from 1,000 to 60,000 cfm.
Beverly Pacific has gained its industry wide reputation for scrubber application engineering excellence by providing the best solutions possible for each and every customer requirement that we encounter. The products that we offer reflect our commitment to quality and value. Our standard horizontal cross flow (PSH) and vertical counter flow (PSV) line of packed scrubbers are available in capacities from 1,000 cfm to 60,000 cfm to meet most requirements.For special applications, custom scrubbers are available in larger sizes.
Beverly Pacific Company (BPC) has been a leading manufacturer of Air Pollution Control Equipment for over 25 years and has been in business for 50 years. Originally a process equipment manufacturer and mechanical contractor, BPC expanded the scope of its operations in the 1970's to include fume scrubbers and FRP ductwork which is marketed to the semiconductor, aerospace, wastewater, and pulp and paper industries.
The ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICBO ES) has long been one of the most reputable and authoritative organizations involved in the accreditation of building products. Products are able to bear the ICBO ES Evaluation Report Number only after an exhaustive set of tests, designed to prove out mechanical and fire safety properties, have been successfully completed and thoroughly documented.

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