With over 40 years of experience, we can engineer, manufacture, and install a system to meet your air pollution control requirements. Particulate Control - Wet or dry electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, or catalytic/ceramic filters. Acid Gas Control - (SOx, HCI, HF, B2O3, and Se) - Dry sorbent injection or spray dry scrubber systems, including reagent storage, and delivery equipment.
NOx Control - Selective catalytic reatorcs (SCRs), or catalytic filters, including ammonia storage and delivery equipment.
NOx Control - Selective catalytic reatorcs (SCRs), or catalytic filters, including ammonia storage and delivery equipment.
McGill AirClean has more than 40 years of experience solving air pollution control problems for boilers, furnaces, incinerators, and a variety of industrial processes. During that time, we have helped customers comply with air emission regulation in industries such as glass, wood products, pulp and paper, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, metals, petrochemical, electrical power and steam generation, hazardous solid waste incineration, and many more.
McGill AirClean has been manufacturing fabric filter (baghouse) systems since 1991. Recently, we have modified our fabric filter system design to include the use of high temperature (750°F) ceramic catalytic filters. The catalytic filters remove both particulate and NOx (with ammonia injection), and provide a secondary reaction site for acid gas reduction (SOx, HCl, HF, and B2O3). Please feel free to reach out under the 'Contact Us' section for more information.
Our electrostatic precipitator systems generate a corona to electrostatically charge particulate and remove it from flue gas streams. Each ESP system is designed to provide effective control of particulate emissions, while saving you money by minimizing operating costs. A unique needle/plate collection electrode design uses energy very efficiently, enabling our ESPs to operate economically at low voltage and current levels.
We have developed a wet ESP system for applications involving sticky or flammable particulate. A washdown system keeps the ESP internals clean to help prevent fires and maintenance problems. Our durable wet ESP systems have solved difficult emission control problems for fiberglass forming and curing ovens, wood dryers, wood-fired boilers, and steel scarfing processes.

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