DoorwaysPlus is your online source for the commercial grade door hardware required in Office Buildings, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Factories, Banks, Schools, Restaurants, Churches, and similar public and private facilities. Currently you can get FREE SHIPPING via UPS Ground on all orders over $700 shipped to one location in the continental U.S.
DoorwaysPlus is your online source for the higher quality, commercial grade door hardware, door accessories and toilet room accessories required in Office Buildings, Hospitals, Schools, Banks, Nursing Homes, Factories, Churches, and similar public and private facilities. After over 63 years of successfully helping architects, contractors, and builders specify and install door openings for all types of commercial, industrial and institutional buildings, we know which products will serve you best.Those are the products you'll find here.
Gardner-Tobin Inc. located in Dayton, Ohio has been a distributor for Commercial Door Hardware since 1959. Commercial grade Hinges, Locksets, Door Closers, Exit Devices, Kick Plates, Armor Plates, Thresholds, Sill Sweeps & Weatherstripping are just a few of the many items you'll find here. Commercial grade door hardware is used in Office Buildings, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Factories, Banks, Schools, Restaurants, Churches, and similar public and private facilities.
Gardner-Tobin, Inc. located in Dayton Ohio, has been a Commercial Door Hardware distributor since 1959. Door Closers are one of the many items that are required for commercial buildings, from Heavy Duty to Light Duty use. Self Closing Doors are required for all fire rated door openings and a door closer will meet that requirement with years of service in the life of a building. Other places Door Closers are used in a building are at the restroom doors or exterior doors where the doors may not want to be left open.
Astragals are normally used on pairs of doors. They can close the clearance gap between doors for the purpose of providing a weather seal, minimizing the passage of light, retarding the passage of smoke or flame during a fire or for security. Some types overlay, others meet at the centerline of the gap (sometimes referred to as a "split astragal").

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