Our restaurant doors and frames are easy to install and perform flawlessly for years. We are located in the Midwest and can cost effectively ship your restaurant traffic door anywhere in the United States. For all orders outside the U.S., please call or email us for a freight quote. Whether you know exactly what kind of restaurant door you are looking for or not, we offer a variety of impact doors in every category of kitchen swinging doors. Get acquainted with our commercial kitchen door for your replacement restaurant swing door or new restaurant establishment.
Please have your exemption documentation ready to upload. For example, if you order a Double Panel Aluminum Swinging Kitchen Door for an actual finish opening size of 58" high by 82" wide, your double hollow metal frame would also be sized 58" high by 82" wide. A. Visit our "Measuring Your Opening" for detailed information on how to measure your opening.
Imagine your perfect dining experience. Tasty food delivered on time, excellent service and a matching ambiance. The servers move between the kitchen and dining area seamlessly, with the sound of music, not banging pots and clanging silverware, filling the room. Our kitchen doors allow this seamless server traffic, music-filled atmosphere and beautiful ambiance.
Choosing the right restaurant door for your specific application is very important. Double acting swing doors provide easy passage for the wait staff to carry food and beverages to and from the kitchen to the dining area without having to use their hands to open the door. The impact door swings in both directions, in and out and always away from the person passing through the door.

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