Additonally, we are a distributor of Blue Banger Hanger Cast in Place anchors. Aerosmith knows it's important for you to install your plywood/OSB quickly.
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For over a half century, Aerosmith Fastening Systems has continued to lead in the development, manufacture, and distribution of hardened steel pins & tools used for superior fastening to steel, concrete, and many composite materials. Each year millions upon millions in savings is 'banked' by Aerosmith end users in not only the world construction markets, but also in a wide variety of industrial/OEM applications.
You get ideas - New ideas drive 'Products & Systems' development which drives down your cost. You get Building Code qualifications - Aerosmith submittals to design professionals are fast & easy!. Aerosmith's future is particularly bright! Its sales and marketing programs have resulted in major, national distribution partners; product specification by 7 of the top 10 U.S. construction firms; and break-throughs with several international users. All these contribute and support our double-digit growth!
Today's contractors are looking for faster, better, money saving products allowing them to be more competitive in today's challenging marketplace. Aerosmith's line of innovative fasteners and fastening tools do just that, with Aerosmith predrilled holes and time-consuming screwing is a thing of the past.
Industrial/OEM applications are a product of an Aerosmith "PROCESS". Each Aerosmith application evolves from users of other types of "fixings" asking themselves: "Am I missing productivity that can save me time & money?". The fastest and best way to see where an Aerosmith system can work to boost your manufacturing process and worker productivity is FREE!

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