Mighty happy to have the presence of your company for a spell. We are real busy loggin, sawmillin, and mulchin. Our area is heavily forested and loggin, sawmillin, and farmin have been a way of life with our families for several generations. The city folk sometimes worry about us takin good care of the land and harvestin the forests wisely so it can produce for generations to come.
Latest inventories done by some neat forestry folks at the DNR (Department of Natural Resources), Division of Forestry, and the US Forest Service show we are doing a mighty good job makin sure there will always be plenty of trees.
Latest inventories done by some neat forestry folks at the DNR (Department of Natural Resources), Division of Forestry, and the US Forest Service show we are doing a mighty good job makin sure there will always be plenty of trees.
Phil Etienne's Logging was named Indiana's 2005 Logger of the Year. We began logging in 1973, but turned our focus to sawmilling in 1983 until January of 2002 when we returned to logging. From 1983 until 2002 our logs were supplied by two contract logging companies. One of which was Richard Greg Etienne Logging (Phil's brother).
The logs are then processed into lumber. With the help of thin kerf sawing and special attention paid to positioning the log we can maximize product and grade yields. Sawdust created during manufacturing lumber is sold to a paper company for boiler fuel. Slabs and trimmings are chipped and processed into high-grade paper by the same paper company.
America has fallen in love with their yard. This is a mindset that shows no sign of ending. As this love affair continues to grow so does the consumer's expectation of performance. All across America yards are 'Showing Their Colors'! The drab decaying bark mulch of the past is being replaced by processed wood custom colored to suit the consumer's taste.

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