David B. Gurney is the oldest living tack maker; he has seen the industry grow from infancy to its present proud proportions, has watched the gradual perfection of the intricate machinery, from a simple pair of tongs to the present acme of success. Mr. Gurney is one of the oldest residents of Whitman and is well known in trade circles in New England.
Established by David Gurney in 1825, the same year John Quincy Adams was elected president, D.B. Gurney Company remains unchanged. The same product is manufactured; most of it using the original equipment, and the company is currently led by the seventh generation Gurney. When first founded, the factory sat on Massachusetts' South Shore in Abington and featured both horse-powered and water-powered equipment, with each tackmaker able to produce 5,000 tacks by hand per day.Forty years later, the company moved to (what is now) Whitman, where it found its permanent home using the latest technology to power the factory - a steam engine.
Although we will try our best to provide you with everything you order please note that D. B. Gurney Company may be subject to some delays outside of our control. Such delays may include transportation delays for receiving raw materials, or New England weather related closings. If we are unable to provide you with your order in a timely manner we will contact you to discuss your options.
The website is currently programed for UPS ground shipments only within the USA. If you wish other shipping options, such as USPS flat rate box, or expedited shipping options please use the Contact Us form, or call 1-888-447-8380. As we are constantly producing a variety of tacks and nails for different trades (Upholsterers, Shoe Repair, Canoe & Boat, Hobby, etc.) the website may lose track. If there is a tack or nail listed as out of stock - please Contact Us so we can check our production runs and inventory and let you know.
Reviews (2)
Kevin Dineen
Mar 06, 2020
Thomas Damon
Mar 26, 2019